Welcome to the Loadsmart Community

On this page you will find information on how to connect with the Loadsmart community.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m logging in for the first time

Click on "Reset password" and fill it up with your email. After this, you will receive a link in your email to create a password you can use to log in to the community.

I didn't receive the password recovery email

The password recovery email may take up to 5 minutes to arrive. If the time exceeds this, don't hesitate to contact communitysupport@loadsmart.com.

Someone in my company has access and I don't

Please contact  via your corporate email indicating which accounts you need to access the Loadsmart community.

I'm eager to join the Loadsmart Community, but I'm currently unable to access it

Only current Loadsmart customers have access to our community. If you’re a customer and still can’t access it, reach out to us at  with your corporate email and the account(s) that need access.

My access has been suspended

If your access has been suspended, it could mean that your company no longer has access to the Loadsmart Community. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at communitysupport@loadsmart.com.